Tuesday 25 June 2013

Around and About...

Dwellings by the Bagmati River

One day Jaki and I stumbled across a musical instrument folk museum,  nearby MIDSON office, behind the Shiva temple and over a little bridge.

We got talking to the proprietor who, it turned out, had visited the UK on several occasions ( including Edinburgh) and stayed with friends in Wales who were helping him write a book on the folk instruments of Nepal.
When we told him about the purpose of our visit  he recounted stories his grandmother had told him (and those he'd heard while researching his book), concerning traditional birth practices in rural Nepal.
He then called his friend through to play for us, a most lovely melody reminiscent of Sottish /Irish folk music!
It was a delightful and fascinating meeting ..one of those rare chance encounters that happen when you abandon the guide book and  let yourself wander.
Playing the jews harp

         So many stray dogs about, some thin and mangy 
         but many looking well fed and fairly healthy, 
         especially those who live by the temples.
         Oftentimes they lie at the roads edge, fast asleep,
         oblivious to all the traffic passing within 
         a hairs breadth of them, narrowly escaping being 
         run over.
         Come to think of it , it's a bit like that for people          
         too! When I first arrived, I was a nervous wreck           
         when walking down the street , jumping at every 
         car horn and nervously dodging the onslaught of          
         vehicles! Now I'm almost as kamikaze as the
         locals when crossing the road! 

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